Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Makeover

I have several sewing projects waiting for pictures so I can give them a blog post.  Until then, I can show pictures of my new hair.  I needed a new 'do to compliment me as a Dressing Your Truth type 4.  I went to the DYT salon to have my hair cut and dyed.  Loved it!

The "Before" picture was taken at the salon.  I purposely chose a shirt I knew was wrong (I still love it, even though it's a Type 2) so I could have a more dramatic "After".  I ran out of time to finish my makeup and didn't put on mascara.  That just makes the after better, right?  Right?
Before.  The shirt is a Type 2 shirt, so not my best look.
 The "After" picture was also taken in the salon.  My hair was styled, my makeup was touched up, and one of the employees at the store handed me a shirt and earrings to put on.  They are true to my Type and do more for me than my other shirt did.

I was most excited to get the purple added.  I'd been wanting to do that for quite a while.  It adds an element of fun and I can totally pull it off.  My husband likes it so well he wants me to keep it up.  We'll see if he still wants me to keep it up when he finds out how much it costs...
After.  Rockin' the purple.
In the interest of honesty, I also included and after picture in which I did my own hair and make up.  I don't know about you, but trying to duplicate what they do to my hair at the salon is an exercise in futility.  Even without the curl in my hair I am pleased.  Seriously, I'm really digging the purple.
After After.  No stylist to help me out and wearing all my own stuff.
The purple a fun change.  I love that it's kind of a peek-a-boo color.  I can style it so the color can't be seen from the front or so that it stands out, whichever suits my fancy.  Maybe next time I'll do red.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new look.... Honestly, I also love the bottom picture more than the salon after pic. :)
